Friday, September 26, 2008

Totally haven't been posting every week like I intended, so here's a hodgepodge of what I've been up to.

So one of the most fascinating things about China is the relative cost of things. For example, I can get two grande lattés at Starbucks or a 1.5 hr long massage with unlimited tea and watermelon. Unfortunately, Chinese massage is not quite as relaxing as the ones at US spas. In fact, it’s a little on the painful side, especially when they stretch your groin for you by grabbing your ankles and pulling you’re legs apart and the while time you’re trying to remember the Chinese words for “not so hard!”

So everybody from Maryland will appreciate this (I literally cracked up when I realized what was happing). At the main entrance to my campus there is a small traffic circle. In the middle of the traffic circle there is a big rock (like the size of a sedan) with red characters written on it. Around the rock is a circular flowerbed. The day before school started for the real Shanghai University students (about two weeks after my classes started), grounds people spent the entire day digging up the old flowers and replacing them with fresh red flowers. Sound familiar?

The moon festival was September 14, and the university threw a party for all the international students to show us what the holiday is all about. For some reason, our program director though it would be a good idea for the USAC level 1 Chinese class to sing a traditional Chinese song for everybody (yueliang daibiao wo de xin, and you can hear it here: Since our teacher, Fanny, is a crazy overachieving Chinese singleton who’s always busy, she asked her friend to teach us in the evenings. So this is what she says to us:
“I’m busy, so my friend will teach you. You know my friend, the FAT one.”
Now this friend is very much so NOT fat. She’s basically same size as me and even a couple inches taller. It’s crazy to think of her as her fat let alone outright call her fat in a room of 20 students, but Fanny was totally serious. Apparently, by Chinese standards, this girl is fat. Chinese people probably think of Americans as big piles of lard. (PS: we did a really good job at the song. People even said that we didn’t sound too much like foreigners).

A couple of weeks ago, a group of us went to Pudong/ the Bund. It’s basically the most famous part of Shanghai with all the big finical buildings. We started on the Pudong side of the river. We walked around by the water a little, and then went underground to the “tourist tunnel.” This so-called “tourist tunnel” contained a bunch of vendors, an Aquarium, and the Shanghai Sex Culture Museum. After getting hassled by the vendors, we visited the Aquarium, which supposedly contained “ the world’s most rare and exotic fish.” However, every tank contained at least one dead specimen. It made me really angry and sad, so I left and went to the Sex Culture Museum which was actually crazy cool. Among other artifacts, they had a couple of pairs of red bedroom slippers that women with bound feet use to wear to their husband’s beds. Seriously, these shoes could not be longer than 5 inches.

After the Sex Culture Museum we went though the actually tourist tunnel. We got in to a silver pod thing (see below), and entered the tunnel. So I’ve never done acid, but I’m pretty sure that I don’t need to after going though this tunnel. It was freaking crazy. The ride reminded me of the scenes from Willy Wonka, but more intense. The whole time I’m thinking only in China, only in crazy-ass China do they consider this a tourist attraction!!


Anonymous said...

love hearing about your adventures! glad your having a good time miss and love you lots

Anonymous said...

The sex culture museum sounds sooooo interesting! You would love the class I'm taking now about Victorian culture and society -- there is a whole unit about their perverse sexual habits, and it's super interesting to think about their perversity vs. ours.

<3 love and miss you, shellbellll!!!

- Iby